Thursday, September 20, 2012

Setting Living Room Trusses

So Mike (Mandy's dad) and Magoo brought the trusses today and got them set and installed. With the help of the regular framing crew they finished within about an 1 and a half.  Everything went smoothly just a few hiccups on the last one along the outside wall.  They needed to adjust the pockets to allow some room to place the drywall behind the truss.
Here are the trusses being built and measured out.
 Trusses loaded on the truck ready for delivery.

Setting truss #2 with #3 on stand by.  Mike is running the boom with Magoo providing help.

Truss #3 being set

Truss #3 coming down

All three trusses set, anchored and ready for some roofing members.  These trusses will support the LVL roof beam with supports the roof rafters.

Here is a 3-D look, looks pretty close to me.

Now we need to get just get the roof on the house.  Just looked at the weather report and it looks pretty good.

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