Monday, December 24, 2012

Shower Tile

Well the tile contractor got to the master shower before the holiday break and Mandy could not be happier...she did a great job picking out all the tile.

Poured the shower floor

He also got the master bath floor down along with the laundry and the upstairs bath.

Master Bath Floor

Upstairs Bath

He could not finish the floors where we are transitioning into the hardwood floor until the hardwood is down.  And speaking of hardwood, we are behind schedule with that, its on order but during milling they did not have enough wood so they had to wait for more.  Hopefully we'll be seeing it show up this week.  The cabinets are in, just sitting in a warehouse right now waiting on the floor.  

The electrical contractor came by on Friday and installed the meter box so now we can call Progress Energy to come hook up the house but probably will not do that till we get closer to installing all the outlets and switches.

The contractor started the trim work on the windows once the window manufacturer rep came out and figured out the issue with the windows.  All my double hung windows were missing a gasket that goes under the tracks on each side sealing them under over the sill.  The rep order parts so hopefully those will be in around the 2nd week in January.

Kitchen windows


The exterior rock is in but they did not have any corner pieces and they will not be in until the 9th.

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