Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finish Exterior Paint

The painter almost finished the exterior paint this past week. Just need one more coat on the trim and a few touch-ups here and there.  Hopefully the stone contractor will show up this week so we can wrap up the exterior finish.  We need to add a couple of rows of brick on the front porch to minimize the step into the house, then we can add the stone work and the front porch post, they will be true 8x8 post, big boys, defiantly over kill but will have that stout look.


 detached garage is getting ready for the pad pour on Monday if the weather holds out.  Thanks to my man Mark for hooking me up with some rigid insulation to go under the concrete to help if (when :) )I decide to heat the garage later on.

we really need to clean the brick once we get closer to finishing. Part of building, 

The tile contractor started Saturday putting down the backer board and should be finishing this week except for the items on back order (shower floor, Mandy really wanted the pebble floor) and the kitchen back splash.  


Master Bath Floor

Master Shower

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