Monday, December 24, 2012

Shower Tile

Well the tile contractor got to the master shower before the holiday break and Mandy could not be happier...she did a great job picking out all the tile.

Poured the shower floor

He also got the master bath floor down along with the laundry and the upstairs bath.

Master Bath Floor

Upstairs Bath

He could not finish the floors where we are transitioning into the hardwood floor until the hardwood is down.  And speaking of hardwood, we are behind schedule with that, its on order but during milling they did not have enough wood so they had to wait for more.  Hopefully we'll be seeing it show up this week.  The cabinets are in, just sitting in a warehouse right now waiting on the floor.  

The electrical contractor came by on Friday and installed the meter box so now we can call Progress Energy to come hook up the house but probably will not do that till we get closer to installing all the outlets and switches.

The contractor started the trim work on the windows once the window manufacturer rep came out and figured out the issue with the windows.  All my double hung windows were missing a gasket that goes under the tracks on each side sealing them under over the sill.  The rep order parts so hopefully those will be in around the 2nd week in January.

Kitchen windows


The exterior rock is in but they did not have any corner pieces and they will not be in until the 9th.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finish Exterior Paint

The painter almost finished the exterior paint this past week. Just need one more coat on the trim and a few touch-ups here and there.  Hopefully the stone contractor will show up this week so we can wrap up the exterior finish.  We need to add a couple of rows of brick on the front porch to minimize the step into the house, then we can add the stone work and the front porch post, they will be true 8x8 post, big boys, defiantly over kill but will have that stout look.


 detached garage is getting ready for the pad pour on Monday if the weather holds out.  Thanks to my man Mark for hooking me up with some rigid insulation to go under the concrete to help if (when :) )I decide to heat the garage later on.

we really need to clean the brick once we get closer to finishing. Part of building, 

The tile contractor started Saturday putting down the backer board and should be finishing this week except for the items on back order (shower floor, Mandy really wanted the pebble floor) and the kitchen back splash.  


Master Bath Floor

Master Shower

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Sorry its been awhile, I've been traveling a bit more plus with it being dark at 5:00 its been hard to get some pictures.  So the guys worked over Thanksgiving and got the drywall installed. 4 guys installed 200 sheets in just two days.  They finished the mud this week. 

Master Bedroom
Bonus Room

Bonus Room

Living Room

Zoey's Room

Living Room

The siding contractor finally got to finish now that we got the frame in the back door of the kitchen.  For now we just have some "loaner doors" in the opening.  Looks like the painter got started with the primer coat on Saturday and of coarse he painted the doors that were on loan from the supply store.  Wonder who is going to pay for that, I know I'm not.   Also the gable truss accents are not looking like what I envisioned so I have the siding guys coming back to take them down and just install some more corbels (knee braces).  I hope the painter is waiting for us to move those to finish the front.  

We got the inside tile picked out last week so if the price comes back within budget the installer will probably start this week.  Also we plan on pouring the detached garage concrete slab this week.  I'm going to place an order for some hickory hardwood floors this week so hopefully they will be coming in soon.  We also placed the order for the kitchen cabinets this past week so they will be in a few weeks but I need to get the hardwoods floors down first.  The cabinets we picked out are painted an off white with a chocolate glaze so we decided to put the hardwoods in the kitchen also.  So the only tile floors will be in the laundry and the bathrooms.  

Friday, November 23, 2012

Insulation Install

Well we got the spray insulation in this week along with adding the transom above the front door. It took about two days for the guys to spray it let it "grow" and then cut off the excess for the drywall.  
Master Bedroom

Garage Beam / Bonus Room Floor

Bonus Room Knee Walls

Bonus Room

Bonus Room - Batt insulation for sound proofing with staggered stud wall

Living Room
On the living room you can see where the overframing is on the ceiling, basically where the insulation stops.  That means there is a roof framed over top of this framing therefore there is no reason to have insulation at this part.

With the attic being completely stilled under the roof sheathing and not the room ceilings, the attic will actually be conditioned space meaning it will have a duct supply air up there and it will only be a few degrees warmer or cooler than the living space below.

Here are a few pictures of the transom above the front door.

As you can see in some of pictures the drywall has been delivered so hopefully that will start soon.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Quick Update

Here just a quick update on  the house.  This week has been full of inspections, HVAC, electircal, and framing.  We also got the shingles on the house completed along with the house garage concrete pad.

We are still waiting for the back door.  The supply company did send the frame so the siding contractor could come and finish.  Also we got the windows for the detached garage and got those put in along with "missing" two feet of housewrap.

I also got the piping for the central vacuum in and completed the rough ins.


Monday, October 29, 2012


Siding has been going up this past week along with some final rough ins.  Unfortunately the door supply guys got the order mixed up and only got 2 of the 4 exterior doors correct so they could not finish putting up the siding in the back.  No, the house is not going to be yellow, that is just the color of the primer of the this HardiePlank siding.

We chose to go with the primed only siding and not the factory painted based on price and the seams tend to show up a lot more on the factory painted system.  

We are thinking that we should add a transom above the front door to help give some extra height to match the windows to the right.  its only $500 right? Seems like everything is just another $500.  Oh well I think this one is worth it.

Master Suite Side

Hopefully we will get the back door soon so the siding contractor and finish up.  Also the contractor has made some major headway into the detached garage.  maybe we can get the siding completed on the back side of the house along with doing the detached garage.

Did you noticed we are missing 2 feet on the bottom of the house wrap?, guess someone needed more than we did.  Seriously? Someone just cut 2 feet off the bottom of a roll we had stored in the house garage so now we are 2ft short of finishing the detached garage.  The siding contractor, Wendell Siding has said they will let us have some house wrap to finish up.

Well there must have been some mis-communication between me and contractor, we did not quite leave enough room for the fireplace we had picked out to fit.  Of all the things I doubled checked that one escaped me.  It has not been a big deal, they do make a small version of the fireplace we wanted.  

I have pulling Cat 6 and Co-axial cable for the network and the TV distribution.  I leaned there is an art to determining the best route to pull cables especially with all the code requirements of were you can and cannot cut openings in beams.  

Lucky, Sandy the hurricane is not beating on us like those poor people up north so hopefully we can get the roof on this thing later this week.  Also the fireplace is suppose to go in so the HVAC contractor and the electrician can finish up.  

I am going to attempt to install the rough in for our central vacuum system, that should be interesting.  I will be trying to install three floor sweeps and two hose outlets. Good thing I have a few days of vacation and my floating holiday.