Thursday, September 20, 2012

We Have Water

So we have water.  It was a bit deeper therefore more expensive than I was hoping for.  So they dug down 360ft and only got a 1.5gallon a minute.  So I asked them to dig a bit deeper hopefully finding more water.  They dug down to 420 and got 3.5 to 4 gallons a minute.  Still not what I was hoping for but the water came up to 25ft below the ground level so at least we got some capacity in the well ~500 gallons.  That should allow us to do whatever we need to do around the house (wash cloths, wash the car, ....) but any lawn irrigation will have to be limited.  Again not ideal but better than having a dry well.

Now we get to drill two more wells next week for the ground source heat pump system.  Thankfully they will only be 300ft deep each.  One good thing the HVAC contractor told me is that he was glad to see that we had hit granite on this well.  He explained to us on how the energy transfer was better in rock than in soil.  If they hit better water I might have them switch.   We'll see.

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