Sunday, February 10, 2013


Well the contractor had a busy week this past week with another this coming week. This pass week we had the painter come in and get the first round of paint on the walls and ceiling.  He will come back after all the trades are done to fix all the dents and scratches.  Also we got the water line dug to go under the house, we had left the water source out front for different trades to use.  Also the electrician got the line to garage ran while they had the machine digging trenches.  The trim contractor finished the stairs along with the trim in the foyer and the closets.  The garage doors were installed.  We also got the cabinets in the laundry installed  and painted along with laundry chute which comes down from Zoey's room.    They also got the beams installed in our bedroom but I think we need to work on the trim around the ends of the beams.


Window Seat


Kitchen, missing the island.

Master Bedroom

Master Bath

Master Closet

Bonus Room

Mikaela's Room

Zoey's Room with Laundry Chute

The counter tops are coming Monday with the plumber coming Tuesday granted nothing gets in the way.  The counter tops where suppose to come Thursday but the guys were laying the stone on the front porch so there was no way into the house for the tops. So they re-scheduled so we had to reschedule the plumber.  The electrician may be coming out this week to get started on installing all the outlets and switches along with some of lights.  I made a run to Home Depot this weekend to get some ceiling fans and a few LED recessed lights.  I tried to get LED's where I can but man those are not cheap.  We also have the contractor to come out and install all the door hardware this week along with getting the final measures for the shower door and the mirrors.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

This Week's Update

The weather warmed back up a bit so the stone contractor made his way out to finish the exterior.  One of the carpenter's finished off the stair case and the other got started on the master closet.  The paint contractor came out and did some priming which helps find the defects in the drywall.  The drywall guys came out on Friday to fix all the defects the priming found plus to finish off some details around the trusses. Also the septic and drain fields where installed.   We also got our cook top so the counter-top guys to get their template right.

Septic Tank Lids

Master Closet
Master Closet, center drawers.

I'm real happy the way the stairs have came out.  I would like to take credit for the design but I actually saw the design on  You can also see the paneling that we have installed in the foyer.  For the master closet, I got some unfinished drawer sets which will be "built" into the closet system to give the over all built in look once its all painted.  So it really seems like things are rolling fast again with the garage doors coming Monday, the remaining kitchen cabinets coming Tuesday and the counter-tops Thursday followed by the plumber on Friday. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.