Monday, October 29, 2012


Siding has been going up this past week along with some final rough ins.  Unfortunately the door supply guys got the order mixed up and only got 2 of the 4 exterior doors correct so they could not finish putting up the siding in the back.  No, the house is not going to be yellow, that is just the color of the primer of the this HardiePlank siding.

We chose to go with the primed only siding and not the factory painted based on price and the seams tend to show up a lot more on the factory painted system.  

We are thinking that we should add a transom above the front door to help give some extra height to match the windows to the right.  its only $500 right? Seems like everything is just another $500.  Oh well I think this one is worth it.

Master Suite Side

Hopefully we will get the back door soon so the siding contractor and finish up.  Also the contractor has made some major headway into the detached garage.  maybe we can get the siding completed on the back side of the house along with doing the detached garage.

Did you noticed we are missing 2 feet on the bottom of the house wrap?, guess someone needed more than we did.  Seriously? Someone just cut 2 feet off the bottom of a roll we had stored in the house garage so now we are 2ft short of finishing the detached garage.  The siding contractor, Wendell Siding has said they will let us have some house wrap to finish up.

Well there must have been some mis-communication between me and contractor, we did not quite leave enough room for the fireplace we had picked out to fit.  Of all the things I doubled checked that one escaped me.  It has not been a big deal, they do make a small version of the fireplace we wanted.  

I have pulling Cat 6 and Co-axial cable for the network and the TV distribution.  I leaned there is an art to determining the best route to pull cables especially with all the code requirements of were you can and cannot cut openings in beams.  

Lucky, Sandy the hurricane is not beating on us like those poor people up north so hopefully we can get the roof on this thing later this week.  Also the fireplace is suppose to go in so the HVAC contractor and the electrician can finish up.  

I am going to attempt to install the rough in for our central vacuum system, that should be interesting.  I will be trying to install three floor sweeps and two hose outlets. Good thing I have a few days of vacation and my floating holiday.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

House Wrap, Windows, and Rough Ins

The framers continued on this week in the nice weather getting the house wrapped and getting a few windows in place.  Also the HVAC / well contractor finished installing the ground loops for the ground source heat pump.  They cleaned up the holes and got the grout down in the holes.
Truck equipment with pump to fill holes with grout.

Finished loop hole (1 of 2)
A few outside update pictures with the wrap and a few windows.

House warp tape should show up early next week to finish off the wrapping, Doors should show up mid week so hopefully we get this thing dried in.  After we get the doors up the siding contractor will show up.

Few Interior pictures of rough ins and windows.

Master Shower - 2 valves
 Here in the master shower there will be three shower heads, hand held, massage head, and rain head.  There is a valve for the hand held an separate valve for the massage and rain head which can let both operate by themselves or together.
Master Bath

Master Bedroom

Living Room

HVAC routing

Laundry - mix up, washer should be on left

Framing contractor ordered the  material for shop Friday so framing should start on that next week.  They will finish putting the windows and doors in the house first. of course we are still dependent on the weather.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Start of Rough Ins

Unfortunately the rains had set in last week which slowed down the framing.  With a few hours here and a few hours there the framers got the house some what dried in so the rough-ins can start.
Living Room Ceiling

Master Bedroom

Bonus Room above Garage
The first to start rough-ins was the HVAC contractor installing the main ducts inside the house.  Of course they took up some of my master suit closet and hall closet.  They also started drilling the holes for the geo-thermal heat pump lines, 2 holes 300ft each.  
You can see the HDPE lines in the pictures.  Basically they will drill the holes then place the pipes down in the hole, one inlet and one return in each hole, and then fill the holes with grout.  This is a closed loop vertical system.   The lines will be placed in a 4ft deep trench back to the house then through the foundation in to the crawl space to be hook up to the unit.  The designer of the system was happy to the see we hit rock because of the better heat transfer I'll get in rock versus just soil.

 The HVAC guys put the return duct under the stairs. Not the best place for furniture layouts but we did not have much of an option.  

Also to show up this week is the windows and the trusses for the detached garage.  So time to wrap the house and start putting in some windows and start on the detached garage.  Things starting to get a little busy.

Plumbers are suppose to show up this week and get started with their rough ins.